Sociopath – description, analysis & therapy plans for sociopathy

Sociopath is a name given to a person who displays antisocial behavior. A sociopath has outright disregard for other’s rights, this being their predominant characteristic. A sociopath does not fit the definition of a person who has sane behavior patterns by the society. The symptoms generally become apparent in an individual after the age of 15 and, if left untreated, these tendencies can keep on developing into adulthood.

Sociopaths are physically aggressive and incapable of holding on to any state in life. These are apparent symptoms. It is awfully difficult for sociopaths to hold relationships. They do not have any regrets for their actions. While they have these symptoms, they are not always apparent. Through research it has been acknowledged that a sociopath is generally an individual with a lot of wit and charm. They may be kind and friendly but these characteristics are fake and used by sociopaths to trick others around them. Nearly all sociopaths use drugs and alcohol on constant basis. These may be used by them extensively and may magnify their personality of being antisocial. A sociopath also may want to beat his/her feelings of having low self confidence through the use of drugs and alcohol.

The causes can be either environmental or genetic. If parents are antisocial their children will also have the tendencies of being so. Sociopathic symptoms may also be affected by the persons they look upon as role models; this could be their peers or friends. Male sex is more likely to be antisocial than women. While 3% of men are affected by this condition, women with antisocial personality amount to just 1%.

Diagnosing Antisocial Disorder is relatively easy in comparison to other personality disorders. It is really unlikely that a sociopath would voluntarily submit to the treatment. Most of the time medical treatment is sought only at times when determined by a court of law. The sociopath is likely to show resistance to both diagnosis and treatment in many cases. In order to diagnose Antisocial Disorder there ought to be affirmation that the subject was diagnosed wish conduct disorder from childhood. The subject also should match the minimum of 3 of the diagnostic criteria set for Antisocial Disorder.

Treatment procedure for sociopathy varies from case to case. The particular diagnosis of the subject, medical history, age, circumstances, physical well-being, and various diverse elements need to be considered by the doctor. In case the person has other illnesses such as depression, alcohol addiction, or schizophrenia etc., appropriate therapy for such conditions will help the individual overcome his sociopathic traits.

The 3 primary approaches of treating sociopaths are via several therapy forms, physical treatment and meds. There are 3 forms of therapies which can be practiced to treat the patients, those are behavioral therapy, psychotherapy and cognitive therapy. Behavioral therapy is based on the belief that the person has learned abnormal behavior from his or her nearby environment during childhood. Based on the antisocial responses learnt in childhood the person having Antisocial Disorder acts to the stimulus in the environment he or she is currently in. Next after finding out the triggers caused by environment which originate the antisocial responses, new behaviors are trained for dealing with the environment. By the mentioned approach, it is counted on that reasonable behaviors will displace the undesirable behaviors. Cognitive therapy, which is the next type, is based on the hypothesis that our thoughts manage our behavior. So the behavior can be adjusted if the disoriented feelings and thoughts are replaced. Therapeutic modeling is also applied every so often, where the person observes how a regular person copes with difficult situations well. Psychotherapy embraces a more considerate path by analyzing the earlier in life events in the person’s life and forces him recognize the actual causes of his behavior.Dig up more regarding sociopath.

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